Thursday, April 26, 2012

India and my Bollywood experience

Hi lovelies,

This has to be the wettest drought ever! And the relentless wind and rain has made me a little melancholic...

Not only does the idea of sitting in my garden with a Pimms and lemonade seem difficult to imagine (even the thought of simply leaving the house without an umbrella feels like a distant dream!), but it seems like everyone is in a bit of a fug at the moment, or just tired, or on standby waiting for a glimpse of summer...Obviously this is totally understandable. SAD lamps always were a poor substitute for the real thing, and I'm sure we're just waiting for the sun to pop his s/s 2012 hat on and make a welcome return to our skies.

I've already had a couple of duvet days- staying in with a cuppa and watching Gossip Girl, or planning for the future and listening to the occasional sad song (eek!)...and I must admit, it's been hard not to reminisce about all those places far far away, where the weather is better. I've travelled quite a bit over the last few years, and I've been incredibly honoured and lucky to visit all the places I have.

One place in particular has a special place in my heart - India. As some of you know, I lived there on-and-off for six months, dancing professionally in Bollywood movies. I thought I'd take a moment to share some of my fabulous memories with you... a small something to while away the hours as we dream about the sun together!

Lots of sunny love, M xxx

(P.S. I've got millions of pictures I love. I've tried to be selective - but still, so many to choose from!)

I miss all the crazy costumes :-)...


and all the crazy sets...

some Bollywood stars I've worked with...

some of the videos..

a bit of a behind the scenes...

(that's where I burned hair on my body cos of the flames lol)

but most of all - I miss 'my' India!


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